Findings could inform artificial intelligence research by helping investigators determine how one could develop more distributed neural networks.
The researchers collected several thousand cells in each brain from a region of the brain that is affected by Alzheimer’s and ageing.
Here the investigators infected mice with SARS-CoV-2 and sequenced the genomes of viruses replicating in the brain versus the lung. In the lung, spike protein had a very close structure to the infecting virus.
Mitochondria live in all our cells, but unlike other organelles, mitochondria sport their own DNA—a small, circular strand with about three dozen genes.
The researchers focused on mouse retinal ganglion cells in the study, which project from the retina to the superior colliculus a part of the brain where they synapse onto downstream target neurons.
The researchers then demonstrated that specific neurons and synapses along this pathway are highly activated when mice expect and experience pain relief, even in the absence of medication.
These groundbreaking findings advance our understanding of where, how, and when genetic risk contributes to mental disorders.
The latest research addresses these issues by demonstrating, for the first time, dopamine’s vital role in maintaining romantic relationships.