PROHITS, a European MSCA Doctoral Network initiative, is offering these positions. The goal of PROHITS’ multidisciplinary research is to integrate computational and experimental methods to resolve the proteome of prokaryotes at the single-cell level across a range of temperatures. This will help them better understand the biology of thermophiles and inform the optimal design of cell factories. To handle individual prokaryotic cells, the project will develop mass spectrometry (MS) and related bioinformatics, as well as MS-based thermal proteome profiling (TPP), which will be used to examine the proteome’s heat response in thermophiles. With the use of this data, proteins’ in vivo thermal stability will be better understood, and genome-scale models of thermophiles will be developed to maximise their potential as cell factories.
A joint effort involving eight teams from academia and the biotech sector across five countries, PROHITS will provide doctorate students with a complete and cross-disciplinary organised curriculum.
10 fellowships (for DCs, Doctoral Candidates) are available in the areas of microfluidics, mass spectrometry, synthetic biology, bioinformatics and genome modelling.
Open Positions
- DC1: Prediction and interpretation of thermophilic proteins (Computational, VUB, Brussels, Belgium)
- DC2: Thermophilic prokaryotes cultivation and biology (Experimental, VUB, Brussels, Belgium)
- DC3: Single prokaryote cell MS data analysis (Computational, VIB, Gent, Belgium)
- DC4: MS Thermal Proteome Profiling (TPP) data analysis/visualisation (Computational, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway)
- DC5: Genome-scale network models (Computational, University Vienna, Vienna, Austria)
- DC6: Application of TPP to thermophiles (Experimental, CNRS, Strasbourg, France)
- DC7: MS TPP method development (Experimental, CNRS, Strasbourg, France)
- DC8: Optimisation of cell factories (Experimental, NovoArc, Vienna, Austria)
- DC9: Microfluidics cell separation and MS integration (Experimental, Cellenion, Lyon, France)
- DC10: Optimisation of sample preparation and examination of the thermal response of selected thermophilic organisms (Experimental, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary)
Master’s degree in chemistry, biochemistry, physical, life or biomedical sciences, or computational or mathematical sciences.
15 March 2024
Applications must be submitted online in English regarding the instructions and respecting the conditions.
For more information and application, visit the official website.
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